
Showing posts from September, 2022

Grain of sand

  Published in iPoetry Neera Handa Dr Oct 16, 2021 · 1 min read · Member-only · Listen Passing On A poem Photo by  ian dooley  on  Unsplash Each day is a grain of salt in an hourglass trickling down one by one As the space once occupied by one, being replaced by another and another, and then emptiness. Just like a handful of sand slipping through the fingers, no matter how much held tightly, still leaving the fist empty sooner or later. Like steps into a forest, each one, taking us away from one to, the other end, leaving no trace, no sign, that we were here, that we passed. Like the twinkling stars, disappearing one by one as the sun rises the invisible hand wiping the sky off all the traces of the stars, ready to rewrite another story, of another day, and life goes on, even after we pass on, and the world goes on. Oh, yes, without us!