The day a bird followed me home part 3

One thing was sure that there was some connection between the two days. 

The cockatoo day and the ibis day. 

What was the reason these birds had followed me home? 

I wanted to find out. 

I decided to go on the internet and read a bit about these birds, and find if there was any mention of the incidence of anyone being followed by any bird. 

I found quite a few people, who had been followed home, or work, or otherwise, by birds. 

The reasons given were not much other than the bird being someone's lost pet is looking for its owner, or that it likes the person, wants food, or why a bird walks behind a person is to grab bugs and other small creatures who are disturbed by the bigger shape of a person or the birds that follow people in a park, or a garden, even on the road, want them to leave the area, as the birds might have a nest there. Magpies are known to do this, and they might even swoop people. Not much to explain what had been in my case.

So I turned to look for some clue on the animal birds sites, scientific writing etc to get something more insightful into these two incidents in my life, regarding these two specific birds, and found a bit about Cockatoos, which are a species of parrots, scientific name Cacatuidae, and there was quite a lot about their behaviour, being at home in both the urban and wild areas, their ability to speak, repeat and mimic sounds and or behaviour of people around them, and their intelligence, their ability to master skills, such as dance moves, and a knack of opening, closing, and stacking things, their longevity, they like wild life, but live longer in captivity. In Australia, there are different colours of Cockatoos, and the black Cockatoo or the Red tail cockatoo is endangered. 

And the ibis, I was quite surprised to find out about. These birds which are now a-days quite unpopular birds. That these were ancient birds, who were actually considered sacred, and were worshipped in temples in Egypt, buried with people of high position, and considered symbols of a very powerful god Thoth, the god of death and decay, science and magic and writing. 

So what does it all mean for me, why did an ibis follow me?

Why did a cockatoo follow me?

I was thinking. Was it to tell me something, or to warn me of something?

Ancient Egyptians worshipped the sacred ibis as the god Thoth, which was responsible for maintaining the universe, judging the dead, and overseeing systems of magic, writing, and science. (Conversations, Holy bin chickens: ancient Egyptians tamed wild ibis for sacrifice).


  1. Bua did mumma tell you about her and the crow incident. ?


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