Right to leave


Right to or left to die


She awaits at the curb of life for the road stretching beyond to fork into two directions!

The right to or left to!

 Yes, one day at a time, she knows at least that much!! 

“What would it be today”, she wonders!

A day with the morning easy and the afternoon comfortable

The actions less painful, and the acts pain free!

The things, the people, the room, the window, less dark, and more of a blur

Moving shadows, hands touching her, soft and not demanding, but caring!!

Or would it be a day, she thinks, completely dark but crystal clear, 

showing her all the scars and scabs of life,

peeling away into the days and nights which crowd her mind! 

the only thing that she remembers is the pain travelling from her body to her spine, and from her mind subsiding into, if you believe in these type of things, her soul!!

And what she can do is, walk one step at a time, till it is time!!!


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