Kalyug ka avatar - the avatar of the modern era

In Indian Mythology, it is believed that the world goes through a petiod of time

divided by four eras or ages, which are


The age of truth


The third age, (there is a reason why the third age came before the second age)

the age of ethics and morality, truth and good overcoming the evil, and mostly succeeding,

Lord Ram came as an avatar to show values and duty for everyone through his own actions, teaching what each person needs to do in his/her role in society!


The second age, declining morals and struggling righteousness,

the age of Maha Bharat, the big war, and the Bhagavat Gita

Lord KrishN came in this era, as an avatar of Vishnu to teach the world about detached action and also introduced strategies to overcome evil, asking humanity to act, unattached and with no desire for selfish goals.


The fourth era it is this present time

immersed in sin, we are now in it..

Too much evil, sin and it is time for repentance


Kalki Avatar!


Covid??? The world leveller. The awaited Messiah!


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