Pearls of wisdom
My father left a legacy of words,
A treasure that is endless timeless and priceless
decoding his writing and appreciating the meaning is our treasure hunt!
At the back envelopes some in his diaries, and many are scribbled on his books,
For example on an old book that belonged to my father
these pearls of wisdom are scattered, scribbled in his unique writing, cryptic and his simultaneous use of Hindi and English script
Pearls that he had picked up from the dirt and dust of this life along with what he had discerned from his readings, to create wisdom, that he lived by, and gave us, as his legacy.
His message of hope
that this very world is our heaven
As it is where we are and it is where we are going, both places are the same, our father's home
Keeping ourselves, feeka, or simple in everything, thoughts, actions, and speech, is the only way to achieve Him.
Solution for our problems is in our own hand, only we can rectify our issues.
If we forget Him, that is our biggest aaptti, a difficulty that we can't even begin to measure
And if we remember Him, that is our biggest sampatti, our ultimate treasure
Those people who are greedy for money, stay away from them, these foolish people never think of God.
So, if you are lucky enough to be Chetan, meaning - alive and conscience, remain, conscience and, conscientious, take His name
As life is seeping out of your body
Drop by drop like water dripping out of a broken pot, and you wouldn't know it even, as your life will end in these drops And you'd have wasted the precious moments.
God is the only truth, and everything is happening according to His system, keep faith, all will be well.
Love for God, and love for our fellow beings are both leading to the same destination, as sometimes, we find God through our love for our fellow beings.
All human being are the same in His eyes.
Sharing, and caring for each other, that is the message of Langar, communal eating, offering food to others, and eating together.
So that's where you get it! Those pearls are created because of that very dust. It created an irritation or a rub (must be a better word here) which he covered with a pearl...of wisdom.