Smile a smile!

What a smile can achieve! 

Today, while walking on my way to  the gym, I was crossing a drive way, when a car backing out of the building, obstructed my way, and then it stopped right there, not sure if it was because of me, or some other reason it had stopped, I stopped too. Should I go behind it and cross, or should I wait for it to move, I kept looking for the driver to notice me or to give me some indication. But none came, and after a few seconds, the car started to roll out again. 

I tried to look at the driver. I was frowning as the driver, he or she had not even bothered to look for any pedestrians. I was a bit annoyed, and ready to say something rude,  but then...

as the car was turning into the street, the person sitting on the passenger seat, an older woman, looked out, her face was beaming with a huge smile, as she waved at me. 

And I couldn't help but wave back at her, and I noticed, I was smiling too! 

I smiled at the person in the lift, going up to the gym, before deciding not to travel by the lift. 

At the gym, I also didn't mind when someone cut me to the equipment machine, I was heading towards for my workout out.  I just smiled, and lo, the person suddenly stopped, smiled back and moved to some other equipment. 

Yes, what a smile can achieve! It goes a long way!! 

It is infectious, and it is hard to frown at someone smiling at you. 

But we still don't smile enough! 


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