Who is the pest

Yes,  with the humaN world, extending its borders and encroaching upon the wild

where can the wild go?

And those we consider Pests?

Where can the bats, ibis and monkeys go? 

Their habitat is no more. 

Human world has pushed in! 

They only come in close contact with us due to us, not because of their choice, because of their helplessness,  as they don't have a choice,

it is our choice, our greed  our need.

That we end up living closer to them. 

And then, ironically

These animals are considered

pests, a nuisance, a danger to our health, house or hearth

But in reality

Who is the danger?

Who is the nuisance 

And who is the pest?

Who encroached upon whom? 

(Listening on the radio about bats and virus, that they carry around). 


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