
To hug, or be hugged, 

It is a nice feeling, for most of us. 

Hugging someone we love, 

a child, a parent, a sibling, a friend, and a lover,

because we love them.

WE want them to know, we are here, we are for them, that it is OK. 

Then hugging ourselves, when happy, or worried, or just cold. 

To assure ourselves that it will be OK. 

Then hugging a tree!

an environmentalist's , a conservationist's weapon

in front of  greedy developers,  builder's bulldozers!

A tradition of hugging a tree, started as a Chipko movement, by a tribal lady in north India, she stood there to front a developer, hugging a tree, trying to save it from getting uprooted, 

Yes, hugging a tree, to tell it, that we are here that it will be OK?

Then hugging a tree to get strength from it, to connect with nature!

To know that it is here, for us, and that it will be OK! 



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