Story -6 the end

Yes, all this time, the money had been there, it had been, for the past 40-45 years! 

And there was a lot of it! I couldn't count, but Babli would, once the cook was out of the room! 

Babli got rid of the cook, giving her some big money from her cupboard, and asked her to go shopping, to buy stuff for a feast, whatever she wanted to cook and eat! 

Bewildered at the change in the atmosphere, the cook left with the money!

I was so relieved, that I felt like just folding up and sleeping myself, but I knew, Babli needed me the most. She had not been very well, and the tension of past few years had also taken its toll. 

Well, once, she had checked the money in the box, "wink wink", that I had been hiding, she could relax, I thought.

Soon she was sitting and sipping her tea, I was sure she was planning her next move, as she had to. She wouldn't need to do anything now, I mean things, that she didn't want to do, things that others wanted her to do. 

And I couldn't wait for her to make a couple of calls.

I knew, she wont talk about me, her humble bed. 

Yes, I was her bed, and had been for the last 50 years. She was not going to talk about me, or tell anyone about how when she had gone through a tough time, who or actually 'what' had helped her.

I could, however, not wait, for her to tell them, that she was not leaving her house, her room, her bed, ever! That I was sure she will!! 

And the phone rang exactly at that time, she picked up the phone, and with a smile on her face, said, "Hello!"


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