Time, they say, waits for none

and the tide doesn't rise for


Though, time, am sure, favours 

the chosen ones

and the tide, for sure, sweeps them

up, towards making the right


You and I are such lucky ones!

Nothing was hard to be onerous

we were born in the right

homes, maybe 

our stars were generous, 

and bestowed on us were also 

the blessings of health, and

happiness, smiles of love and


But not on everyone 

fortune smiles,  dear!

Without any fault of theirs

they didn't get what you and I take

for granted

a safe home, a secure future, not

even a sure routine!!

So be kind to those,

whom, chance hasn't favoured.

Neither has time nor tide has 

pushed them up.

They did not have opportunities, or

choices that we had,

choices, which turned out to be the

right ones!

Maybe they didn't have the freedom

to avail opportunities, or to choose

that they yearned to be,

Yes, they were not free! 

Be nice to those 

who struggle, and strive 

even to survive!!

while you and I thrive!!

Be kind, be generous, be grateful!!!


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