Which one did you get?

Yes, the first question, I'm getting from my friends, 

after I told them about getting the vaccine for Covid 19, 

"which one did you get?" As if it was my choice!! 

Actually a few even asked me before and some, after I got my jab

Why did you get/are you getting the vaccine?

Or told me

What is/was the hurry?

The point is that

I shouldn't get it

I should delay it

I should get a different one! 

These issues arise, when there is mistrust for what the government is doing

What the scientists/pharmaceutical companies say/do

So where can we find the truth?

The true answer, if it exists?

What should I do?

Get it or not?

This one or that one?

Now or later?

Answers are not there but these questions are there! 

And these divisions of people, based on their different opinions, theories,  ideas of what is the truth,  rock our decisions. 

We are never sure if this, or that is, the right answer,  but yes, just trying to do what as a citizen of a democracy needs to do, that is my responsibility,

 yes, my responsibilities are mine to do, while I'm enjoying my rights.

My responsibility means I'm upholding others' right to be safe. 


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