Decency or strength to go on

"How does one keep going when the going gets really, really tough?" 

Recently,  I came across this hypothetical questioning of our efforts to please those, who are hard to please. 

This would usually be the case in really intimate relations. One party keeps trying to please the other party, but can never do so. But they don't or can't give up! Can they? 

The author was writing about how difficult pleasing some people is, almost impossible, but we still keep trying to please them. But why?

I understand this feeling, and yes, I'm also bewildered that why do we put up with so much, just to please those people, whom we can never please. 

These people that we try to please, I would say, would be mostly our family members, or very close relatives, and friends, or our superiors, and work colleagues, as I'm sure, we don't try to please strangers!

So how long does one keep going, that's the question, but it is not a true question, just a hypothetical one.  As it doesn't have an answer that we don't know!

May be it is something that we just don't have control over. 

Not to give up, that is our nature, you might call it, our strength or our decency, or compulsion, as we just cannot give up!


“The test of one’s decency is how much of a fight one can put up after one has stopped caring, and after one has found out that one can never please the people they wanted to please.” (Cather as cited in Brain Pickling).


  1. Is it that we are an optimistic lot? And we keep trying to make things better? Make a difference?
    Or does our ego keep us believing that we will be able to please those people.

    I guess it’s one of the characteristics of being human – the desire to strive.


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