Somethings we just can't see
There are somethings that we just can't see, eye to eye!
For example,
WE all can't! We all can't see it the same way.
We end up with what?
My story, my news, my theory
Your story, your news, your theory.
And then there is the truth, somewhere out there, that we see through the lenses of our own theories, yes, I mean, from our individual sides, and that is how we see it, how we colour it, and believe in it.
What you see, and what I see, can we just leave it?
And not try hard to convince each other to see it from our own sides.
Just accept it, what you see, or I see!
And the way how you see, or I see, or they see something.
Can we just enjoy seeing something from each other's point of view?
Was that prompted by our discussion the other day 🤪