Reading brings you unknown friends

Reading is very important, of course even if, or more so, if you want to write. 

That is what I have learnt. 

Check out, there is 

A smorgasbord of topics, themes and titles

There is such a variety, topics, and ideas, that people are writing about, putting their hearts, minds, their precious time into creating and dishing out these beauties, just for us to read, take advantage of, get entertained, or to feel sad or happy or excited! 

Marketing, finance, romance, history, heartache, personal stories, and experiences, mental or physical health, writing about writing, tips and tricks to be successful in whatever field they are experts in, or just ranting, bragging, dreaming, questioning, but they are all writing, wanting you to read them.

So read. Reading is crucial for writing too. It inspires ideas, gives clues, starts links to further our own writing. It also encourages others to see you, know you. 

A famous quote on reading sums it up beautifully: 

Reading brings us unknown friends. Honore de Belzac

Yes, reading, even before writing.

Reading is getting into other writers’ world, comment and clap if you like what they are writing (that’s what I do), and sometimes, even if you don’t agree, leave a comment, or a correction, if you dare, and even if you aren’t interested in something they write, give it a try at least!

In the last few days, I have been doing this, reading what my followers are writing, as well as reading a few articles each day, from those whom I have followed.

In each article, there is an artist standing, waiting for you with a door, just ajar, with a shaft of light, letting us in, into their world, beckoning us to see how they think life to be, and imagine the world to be!


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