Tikku and the lost pages part 2

Tikku really enjoyed the game of the missing pages with his mum, and imagining the story. 

Soon mum went back to the kitchen to finish her other chores, she usually lied down for a while afterwards and it was also time for Tikku's morning games and his 'nap' before lunch. He went to his room and took the book with him. He was still thinking where could Piglet be. 

Oh, Piglet likes to clean

With his broom 

Maybe his broom got lost

And he went looking for it. 

May be he flew away in the wind

 wroom!! Wroom!

Tikku smiled. 

Suddenly there was a whoosh and a knock on the window. He went to see and there was Piglet flying . 

He looked worried, so Tikku decided to help him come down. 

He looked around and saw his skates and he quickly wore them, and ran out. 

"Piglet don't worry, I'm coming!" 

Tikku yelled. He ran and ran after the Piglet. The wind got stronger and stronger, and it also started to rain. 

Tikku saw many cats and dogs falling from the sky, but not Piglet. He just kept flying high and high, and fast too, but not as fast as Tikku was running.

Tikku kept running, and Piglet kept flying, and they almost reached the end of the sky, where Tikku stood waiting for Piglet to fall down. 

And that's where the biggest honey pot was. Just under the biggest rainbow he had ever seen. 

He waited for Piglet to come down from the sky thinking maybe Piglet could use the rainbow to slip down, like a slippery slope, but lo behold, that's when, the 🌈 disappeared, it had just melted into the clouds. 

All the colours, got scattered here and there, and the clouds were running here and there picking up the colours of the rainbow. 

Yes, white, blue, yellow, red, orange, green, pink and purple, 

Tikku was trying to see all the colours, and that's when Winnie the Pooh arrived. 

Tikku wanted to see what the silly old bear was going to do. So he hid behind the honey pot. 


  1. Is tonight’s bedtime story part 3?

  2. :)
    Just watched a few Winnie the Pooh clips on You Tube.

  3. What a beautiful and colorful imagination Bua. I can see this playing as an animated movie. And actually seeing raining cats and dogs, and rainbow colors dispersing!

    1. The story just unfolds by itself the colours thd dogs and cats, yes that happens!•


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