Life momentous

 Someone had sent me a two liner about life and those we value in our life. 

Some people are in our life and due to those people, life is worth living, 

And I was thinking, is my life worth living because of those who are in my life, do they make my life worthwhile, or is it the things that I do which make it so?

My poem is based on this question, and my exploration of it, dedicated to people, not only those in my family, but those who share living on this planet with me!

Life is a moment 

If life is a moment, I will live in it

Instead of trying to make it


I’ll just live my life in moments.


Doing what I love doing,

With those I love being with.

Yes, you are right, 

I will write and I’ll read.

I might travel, that is true, 

finding unknown lands

the places not travelled to

the roads untrodden, leading

to the oceans never imagined.

Finding places, where the Sun never sets,

and the Moon remains absent for months. 

the sky turns green, while the grass is blue.

I might see a place, 

where hunger has been eradicated 

No one is poor or deprived, 

where children truly clap with glee

not in a nursery rhyme only.

Or I might create one, of which I am proud

taking the darkness and light

from the horizon of my gaze

shedding some shade on the blistered land

and raining on its dry parched 

borrowing some light from my hopeful heart

to becoming a silver lining in their cloud.

Yes, I owe to this life that much

it doesn’t owe me anything,

why should I complain

of the sun sets never seen

as I rose with the sunrise 

witnessed it spreading to the endless skies. 

Yes, this life is momentary, 

but this moment of laughter

doesn’t have to end in a teary farewell 

I will be there always, as I am the one

who is enjoying the scenery on a detour,

I will see it all happening 

even when I can’t see any more,

but I will, 

even if through your eyes!


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