Life and possibilities

 Write songs and listen to poems of love

soaking with tears

reflecting images in mirrors,

where smiling like a Cheshire cat,

It is life,

pointing at the things, 

that exist just there for me, within my reach

to enhance my experiences, and to teach.

It is a jungle of possibilities there,

Where asking for directions is no use, as these paths of possibilities

remain untrodden ones.

New vistas

As I travel through life, 

I play with possibilities

finding friends, and chances to see fairies

discovering new stories

with white rabbits

hopping along, on the paths

full of holes of surprises.

roses, knives or pens or playing cards.

It is life,

pointing at the things,

that exist just there within my reach

to enhance my experiences, and to teach.

It is a jungle of possibilities, where

asking for directions is no use,

as these paths of possibilities

are untrodden ones.

Though there is always the expectation, 

an anticipation, of something interesting 

just at the next corner.

Life tells me to keep trekking, to have faith. 

It talks to me, 

“look, there is a water fall, a bird’s nest, a shady tree, 

a tree full of yellow fruit, a sleeping lion’s cave

 a field of strawberries, 

where the birds are feeding on their flowery feast

the sky is so blue, so shiny, 

an open chasm through which

fairies drop pearls of dew

just for you. 

It is slippery, keep walking, slide on dreams,

there is a friend reading you a new poem

trust her, and trust yourself, 

sing along and dance

fall in love, smile, take a chance 

even tears, 

are just to light your path.

Take a glance, 

you are just there, so close, 

it is all within your reach

fly up, it’s not hard to touch the clouds, 

if you dance.

Feel the colours of the rainbow,

write on the rain, a song of hope,

Hundreds of possibilities are scattered around

like stars, shining on you, 

making ways for you to create, 

to make waves, to carve your niche”! 

Yes, life beckons me to find that place, 

to travel to far off lands,

to find love, to live fully as life is meant to be!


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