Colours of the wind a poem dedicated to a koala who walked into fire* Image credits: suzenelson_suze from BoredPanda If you can’t see the colours of the wind, you don’t know how to paint with them, there are things that you don’t know. You weren’t born in the sun burnt country, there are things you’ll never never know! You haven’t felt the orange glimmer of the summer wind sweltering with the dusky smell of the charred tree that was your home, the leaves oozing ashes that gave you succour and the path, a mirage of liquid gold, that led to the water hole. There are thing you didn’t know, and you’ll never never know until you walk the footsteps of those who walked into the blazing glow! What are the colours of the wind, you will never never know! A kangaroo bounds across a road in Gippsland as it tries to escape a bushfire. — ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) *In the 2019–2020 summer called Black summer, thousands of native anim...